Place Vendôme
Published on 16 December 2016 in Visiting Paris
Take a walk to Place Vendôme during your stay at the hotel, one of the most famous and luxurious squares in the world.
Created in the 18th century by Jules Hardouin-Mansart, Place Vendôme is today lined with luxury apartments, palaces, gourmet restaurants and jewellers. A large part of the façade is listed an historic monument. The Vendôme column stands in the centre of the square.
If you are a fan of history and architecture, you'll love this place. Place Vendôme is a fine example of the splendour of French classicism under the reign of the Sun King (Louis XIV). It illustrates perfectly the main principles of art under Louix XIV's reign, such as the size and purity of the forms.
Further information on Place Vendôme